sâmbătă, 8 august 2009


Ma intreb cati dintre noi au avut sansa unei iubiri adevarate? Cati dintre noi au avut curajul sa iubeasca cu adevarat pe cineva, fara sa se mai gandeasca la alte aspecte? Oare cati au curajul sa iubeasca de dragul de a iubi?

Oare cati dintre noi au curajul sa treaca peste orice prejudecata, orice regula sociala sau materiala, sa treaca peste ratiune si sa iubeasca omul de langa ei asa cum este?

Iubirea este acea amintire placuta care iti ramane pentru intreaga viata. Este singurul lucru frumos din viata asta si chiar daca ajungi sa suferi,vei fi fericit ca ai avut ocazia sa iubesti. Vei fi fericit ca pentru o clipa, ea era totul pentru tine. Faceai totul in numele ei, ai fi mutat si muntii din loc doar de dragul ei.

Din pacate, in zilele noastre iubirea a ajuns o arma in mainile unora si o victima in mainile altora. Iubirea este perceputa ca un mijloc, ca un scop, ca un interes. Este adeseori confundata cu ideea de atractie fizica, cu ideea de indragosteala copilareasca sau cu ideea de sex. In ziua de azi, iubirea e orice, numai ce ar trebui sa fie nu mai este. Omul a tranformat iubirea din sentiment in obiect si a gresit. A incercat s-o schimbe pe placul lui si iar a gresit pentru ca n-o poti schimba; iar cand nu mai esti demn de ea, o pierzi precum un parfum ce nu persista. Iubirea e mereu acolo, dar precum credinta, cand te indepartezi de ea, cand nu mai crezi in ea, n-o mai poti simti si din aceasta cauza te vezi izolat, te vezi singur.

Deschide ochii si mai ales deschide-ti sufletul s-o poti primi din nou si ai curaj! Va veni la tine daca vede ca iti doresti acest lucru.

Iubirea nu are nimic de-a face cu sexul, cu atractia fizica, cu banii. Iubirea ramane pentru totdeauna cu tine; si iti va incalzi sufletul si te va insoti atunci cand te vei simti singur si ori de cate ori vei fi trist ea va fi acolo pentru tine.

Tot ce ne dorim este sa iubim si sa fim iubiti sincer, neconditionat si poate pentru totdeauna.

Chiar daca suferim, chiar daca am iubit si sufletul ne este sfasiat de durere, nu trebuie sa ne pierdem speranta. Dragostea va reveni; trebuie doar sa vrem s-o primim, sa gasim omul care sa impartaseasca cu noi acea iubire...si va veni din nou: mai frumoasa, mai matura, mai calda.

luni, 23 februarie 2009


(Lazy updateee...)

Yes, I know I've been neglecting you. Yes, I know, I'm sorry. Well I'm back now. It's just that I've been busy, you know? With school, friends, family, I just realised that I'm not updating very often. I thought it was because I haven't got anything interesting to write (but then I thought " What are you saying? When you do ever have anything interesting to write?" so here I am, updating for the sake of it) and because I have an insane YouTube addiction that's severely crippling my free time.

Anyway. It's good to be back. Maybe I can actually become a regular blogger! ... Heheh, right...

Right now I am listening to Freestylers(painkiller,losing you….) on my computer and generally feeling quite happy and relaxed maybe because it’s weekend…or because it’s a lot of snow ( I <3 snow) … yesterday I was talking to a friend, he sad that its scared of the school leaving examination (or how it is called this days) what will happen,if he smart enough, what will happen if he will pass it..or not? well....dear friend if I could offer you only one tip for the future it would be grate but I can't....I could give you an advice...Don’t worry about the future, the real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind, the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday. It’s like Gerorge Will said: “The future has a way of arriving unannounced.”

So we should never let the future disturb us…an we should be live the present

duminică, 25 ianuarie 2009

Cigarettes of tainted feelings ...

Why do you think I smoke Cigarettes?
Burn'em up, let me get rid of these painful feelings am done with insanity,
I want to be free from these tainted feelings
Desperate to have the pleasure of cheap joys
Let me burn'em up and blow'em away...

marți, 20 ianuarie 2009

I wish for.....

S ilent in this noisy town
N obody to disturb me with nonsens things
O ctober to come because it's my birthday:D
W eekend to go to partyy :D \:d/

I hope snow comes soon....its refreshing for my mind :D

marți, 13 ianuarie 2009

Januar 13....

Another day passes by, you’re getting older, well we all are
it’s your birthday, time to celebrate your life, your existence
your presents you love, but most of all, you love that your family is there
we sing happy birthday, you feel special and good inside
as the presents are given out we all are smiling
this is all it’s about, celebrating the life that you care about
the brother or sister that you love so dearly
to tell them that you care about them, to tell them that you love them
this day is meant for joy and happiness
for loving and caring people to tell them that they matter in this world
to celebrate their birthday
so for this, I will give you, you’ll read and hopefully feel even more special
cause you’re my family, and I love you